

First-generation Latina college graduate, Celeste, turns to the page to pour out powerful words to bring to the stage and world.

Author, Poet, & Performer

Inspo behind the bookcover

La Celeste

Now on YouTube!!

Current/Past Events

  • POETRY PERFORMANCE, The Pop-Hop - June 21, 2024

  • POETRY LINE-UP, SOS Long Beach Festival - June 30, 2024

  • Summer Poetry Workshops w/me!! - June through August 2024

  • LA FASHION WEEK - October 12, 2024


  • I went the Self-Publish route on Amazon. You can self-publish on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram Spark, and many more. I joined a public group on Facebook called Self-Publishing Support Group where I was able to connect with other writers and artists to ask questions.

    Once I published, I had the manuscript professionally formatted by Jeniffer Kay, Techflames LLC.

  • Besos Spanish Team: Lizbeth Horta and Pablo Sanchez

    If you'd like to be part of a translation team, please find the email listed in the CONTACT

  • Not yet, you can order from the store directly, but it is only available online at the moment. For in-store purchase please visit the local book stores.

  • Yes I am, please subscribe to my newsletter for updates!

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